Perpetual motion is illegal
Perpetual motion refers to a condition in which an object continues to move indefinitely without being driven by an external source of energy.
The term is commonly used to refer to machines which display this phenomenon. In the macroscopic world, perpetual motion is NOT generally considered to be POSSIBLE. Perpetual motion machines are a class of hypothetical machines which would produce useful energy in a way which would violate the established laws of physics.
LAWS from the 17th century.
No genuine perpetual motion machine currently exists, and according to certain fundamental laws in physics they cannot exist.
They are not allowed to exist, they CANNOT EXIST by LAW.
Specifically, perpetual motion machines would violate either the first or second laws of thermodynamics.
The church of thermodynamics has it clearly described in their bible.
Perpetual motion machines are divided into two subcategories (some physicists, including the noted professor of thermodynamics Mark W. Zemansky, include a third), defined by which law of thermodynamics would have to be broken in order for the device to be a true perpetual motion machine.
So we have categories for things that CANNOT exist??
I hope you get the point. They have been bullied out of existence.
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