Paid Autosurf Programs vs. Scams - BlogHoster

"Paid Autosurf programs pay members for surfing websites in their exchange. They allow advertisers to show their websites, for a fee, to other members who surf and earn cash or credits for their efforts."
making money online - Legitimate Paid Autosurf Programs vs. Scams - BlogHoster:
Autosurf investment programs Posted by gaby de wilde Nice post. I figure returns depend on what they do with the deposit. Some are just looking to invest with other peoples money. The way all investments work. They are waisting their own time if they don't succeed. So far I never put more as 5$ in each. I like getting into new programs and helping them start up. It takes only a few bad reviews to kill a program in Autosurf land. It's the most popular way they break in. I figure it takes about 2000$ to set up a surf site poppular enough to pay the members a good % with the advertisment. It's a bit sad how the scams make it look imposible as it should be easy to do for anyone.
Autosurf investment programs Posted by gaby de wilde Nice post. I figure returns depend on what they do with the deposit. Some are just looking to invest with other peoples money. The way all investments work. They are waisting their own time if they don't succeed. So far I never put more as 5$ in each. I like getting into new programs and helping them start up. It takes only a few bad reviews to kill a program in Autosurf land. It's the most popular way they break in. I figure it takes about 2000$ to set up a surf site poppular enough to pay the members a good % with the advertisment. It's a bit sad how the scams make it look imposible as it should be easy to do for anyone.
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