Blogger Forum - Forum - spam blogs?

Blogger Forum - Forum: "Quote:
redryder52 wrote:
No it looks like all the other spam blogs that Escante30 posts to here, he may have more blogs than you gaby (which is saying something)
oh, hahaha! LOL man ! - astonishing writing that was. This must be the slowest line I've typed all day. hahaha Please don't read it to fast. ghehehe
It's lame and just an attempt to get money from adsense. I'm sure you're going to be very rich. Cough*
Yeah, my main blog set with the few 1000 reasonable photographs and the nasty home brew template earned me close to 9$ now.
My tremendous wealth from this all is has to be YOU reading it. A big honor if you ask me. I've never been able to ignore what people say or write, why should you be any different?
So here we are in the collective mind of the blogosphere. I can't wait to select the first part of this post and click 'blog this' a few times after finishing it.
I even have a blog about 'wrong web design'. A post about me (the expert) getting tricked by a spamblogger. Deserves to sit on the front page for a few months, if not years. HAHAHA
Not participating in the forum and just spamming links to your spam blogs has gotten others banned before.
I suggest Escante30 that you not use this forum as your personal advertising for your spam blogs. You are contributing nothing here.
YEAH, the only way to spam this forum is by actively helping people with their problems. And with helping I mean helping.
Specially idiots like me and above should try not to 'attach Signature' at least 4 out of 5 times.
Oh..and for god's sake at least change the 'EditME' links in the sidebars, you don't even have the decency to change those in all your spamblogs you are in such a hurry.
I'm not, I pay close attention to what peeps say.
This is how my latest spam blog looks. I've made over 20 postings today people make 80 page views, pages with almost nothing on em. I don't ping or list myself any other place as my personal blog and this forum. I didn't even list this blog on my blogger profile.
No, this time people email me about bookmarking it. About how they are sending it to friends. Suggestions on how I should add poems use it to teach languages, make it in TiddlyWiki. extreemlee even offered to host it.
Sure it's the most spamish novel ever blogged. But still, I make more pageviews on my own blog as I view on the rest of the web put together. I'm reading what I wrote myself over and over again and I enjoy it, it's very strange."
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