Blogger Forum - Forum - Re: New(ish?) Blog service through the Opera Community

Blogger Forum - Forum: "Re: New(ish?) Blog service through the Opera Community
The Opera blog has everything one could posibly need and more.
I wanted to add that the smart interface is the reason I prefer the Opera browser over firefox.
For example:
Looking at the index of this forum I open post number 6.
I hold down the left mouse button and click the right one. Now magically tread NR 5 pops up. I do this again and it goes to nr 4. I'm going up the list of links on a page I don't have to look at.
Holding left and clicking the right button normally goes 1 page forward. Just like holding right and clicking left goes 1 page back. If there is no forward it looks on the current page for a 'next>>' link. Or goes back true the page index.
The space bar scrolls down the page as normal but at the end it goes 1 page forward. Say, to the next google result page.
Another example: View an image on a picture blog and click forward (space bar), now the next image on the blog is loaded, you can view all the images one by one then end up back on the original page. This goes so much faster as firefox sluggish back forward behaviour. Clicking the images one by one.
The rss reader is cool. A blue button appears in the address bar viewing a blog, clicking it subscribes you to the rss feed. Opera then checks the feed for you and prompts you about your favorite blog getting an update. As if it was an email.
I think anyone using firefox should give it a try. Don't dump the fox just jet, use both then pick what you like, not what I like.
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